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Welcome to The
Skellig Islands

Discover the Mystique and Adventure of This Ancient Island

Skellig The Islands

The History of Skellig Michael

The earliest reference to the Skellig Islands dates back to 600 AD. During the Penal Laws, Skellig Michael and Little Skellig became a haven for Catholics facing suppression. Skellig Michael, the largest of the Skelligs, was home to one of Ireland’s earliest monastic settlements. Monks of St. Fionan’s monastery lived in stone, beehive-shaped huts, descending 670 steps each morning to fish for breakfast.

They spent their days praying, gardening, and studying. The huts, round outside and rectangular inside, were built to remain dry inside. The monks left in the thirteenth century, and the island became a pilgrimage site. The Skelligs are rich in birdlife, especially puffins in late spring and gannets on Small Skellig.


Monastic Settlement

Christian monks arrived on Skellig Michael between the 6th and 8th centuries, seeking spiritual isolation.

Viking Raids

In the 9th century, the monastic community faced Viking raids but remained steadfast.


By the 12th century, the monks abandoned Skellig Michael due to harsh conditions and changing religious landscapes.

Rediscovery and Preservation

Skellig Michael regained attention in the 19th century when its monastic ruins were studied by historians.

Star Wars filming on Skellig Michael

The Skellig Michael scenes from the most recent Star Wars trilogy starting with Episode VII “The Force Awakens” were filmed at the islands in 2014. The Skelligs features prominently at the end of the movie where the audience is reintroduced to Star Wars’ original hero Luke Skywalker . Filming took place again in 2015 for the second instalment of the Star Wars trilogy Episode VIII “The Last Jedi” which was released in December 2017.

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Wildlife on Skellig Michael

Birds On and Around The Skellig Islands

There is an incredible wealth of birdlife on and around Skellig Michael and little Skelligs. The puffins arrive on the island in late spring and gannets start to arrive on the small Skelligs in March. By April, they have covered every available ledge on the island.

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An Adventure Awaits

Eco Boat Tour
May - Sept
On this tour the boat circles around Skellig Michael and Little Skelligs. This allows you get up close to both Skellig Islands. From here you can see both the wildlife and the historical sites.
skellig island tour - landing tour
Landing Tour
May - Sept
The departure time changes frequently depending on the sea conditions as well as the available Skellig Michael Landing time slots. The boat arrives back from the Skellig Islands in the afternoon.

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